Our group has developed the following tools:
UTool is a webapp fully developed by UPV researchers for the analysis of big data collected from social networks. Powered by distributed computation and some of the most up-to-date big data technologies, it has the potential to collect billions of social media messages by keywords or geolocation. Afterwards, an analysis toolkit is provided to recognize movement patterns, predict events and behaviours, monitorize emotional reaction or social community detection, amongst others.
It is a social network application with restricted access that allows to educate, mainly children and adolescents, about the risks of social networks and also to promote the change of attitude towards a responsible and appropriate use of privacy in social networks. Through gamification techniques implemented in the social network, children and adolescents interact in Pesedia and learn to detect risk actions that, if carried out in a public social network, could compromise their privacy.
Magentix2 is an agent platform for open Multiagent Systems. Its main objective is to bring agent technology to real domains: business, industry, logistics, e-commerce, health-care, etc.
The Generalist Recommender System Kernel (GRSK) is a RS aimed to provide recommendation for both individual users and groups. The two main tasks of the GRSK are the analysis of the users profile to come up with a preference model, and the generation of the list of items to be recommended.
mWater is a Multi-Agent System (MAS) application that implements a market for water rights, including the model and simulation of the water-right market itself, the basin, users, protocols, norms and grievance situations.
The ROMAS development framework is a new approach for designing and verifying Normative Open Multiagent Systems based on the ROMAS methodology. In this context the term normative open systems refers to systems where heterogeneous and autonomous entities and institutions interact between them in a regulated context in order to achieve their individual and global objectives.
ArgCBR Call Centre is a call centre application deployed by using a web interface that acts as a frontend of a case-based argumentation infrastructure running on a multi-agent platform. With this application, agents representing technicians can argue to reach agreements and jointly solve incidences. The application offers different views for customers and administrators of the system.
EMFGormas is a new approach to model Service-oriented Open Multiagent Systems using the MDA Eclipse Technology. It offers a CASE tool based on an unified meta-model for engineering large-scale open systems in which the constituent entitites interact among them by means of services.
JGOMAS is an environment to develop and to run intelligent agents over simulated 3D worlds. Specifically, JGOMAS allows to run agents in different teams, which compete to achieve their own and team objectives. Those two teams compete in a capture-the-flag-like game, where one team defends its flag against the other team, which tries to capture it.
GORMAS defines a set of activities for the analysis and design of Virtual Organizations, including the design of their organizational structure and their dynamics. With this method, all services offered and required by the Virtual Organization are clearly defined, as well as its internal structure and the norms that govern its behavior.
Thomas is aimed to develop a multiagent system architecture that is suitable for the generation of virtual organisations in open environments, as well as a support platform that will allow these systems to be implemented.
The Artis architecture is an extension of the blackboard model which has been adapted to work in hard real time environments. This architecture includes the use of well known techniques of Real Time Artificial Intelligence Systems.
Simba (SIstema Multiagente Basado en Artis) (Artis based Multi agent System ) constitutes a significant extension of the Artis agent architecture approach for realtime environments Simba is made up of a multi agent platform for real time agents with real time responsibilities and time bounded services.
Kiwi is a graphic application which displays tasks execution trace logs. It has been entirely written in Tcl/TK, which makes it very portable. Its main features are: impressive zoom, rich set of graphical elements, output to eps files, events driven navigation and full customizable colors.
This package adds (most of) the tracing support defined in the POSIX Trace standard to Open RT-Linux 3.1. The POSIX Trace standard defines a set of portable interfaces for tracing applications.
This application is a multi-agent system that offers tourism services to different users in a specific city including the capability to plan diferent activities in a specific day according to their preferences
A Design of Experiments application developed for the intelligent discovery of new catalytic materials when exploring a high dimensional space. It is based on a soft computing framework which combines a genetic algorithm and an artificial neural network. It is appropriate for high-dimensional optimization but maintains in memory the whole "history" of the search. So, this software application could be used to reduce the screening of statistically-poor active materials.
Arlips is a language for developing rule-based systems for real-time environments. Arlips and its pattern matching algorithm fulfill the necessary conditions for allowing their timing analysis. The Arlips compiler translates an Arlips rule-based system into an equivalent C program many times faster than Clips.
SPADE (Smart Python multi-Agent Development Environment) is a Multiagent and Organizations Platform based on the XMPP/Jabber technology and written in the Python programming language. This technology offers by itself many features and facilities that ease the construction of MAS.
Masev is an evaluation framework that allows analyzing and comparing methods, techniques and environments for developing MAS. Moreover, Masev uses the analysis information to recommend the most appropriate method and tool to develop an specific application.
The jART agent Platform is a software framework developed to integrate real-time agents with other agents without temporal restrictions.
ANDROMEDA (ANDROid eMbeddED Agent platform) is an agent platform specifically oriented to embedded agents over the Android operating system. The agents developed inside this platform are based on the agent-pi meta-model.
The Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP) is an open standard for an interoperable asynchronous messaging protocol. The Ada Binding to AMQP allows applications built on top of it to be distributed over heterogeneous environments. In this sense, it increases the interoperability, portability, and flexibility of such applications.